Zillah Jackson Wesley has resided in Washington, DC her entire life. She has a Masters in Social Work from Howard University in Clinical Social Work /Therapy.
During her career she has held various positions. They include but are not limited to: Professor, University of The District of Columbia; Acting Supervisor of Social Work in D.C. Public Schools; Chair Howard University School of Divinity Pillar of Faith Scholarship; Advisory Board member for NBC TV; Event Coordinator for Congress Woman Diane Watson. Vice President African American Family Institute; and Director of Care Consultants, LLC.
Her awards include: Social Worker of the Year Howard University and Mayoral Proclamation Celebration for Zillah Jackson Wesley Day in DC on 2/5/2007. She was also featured on NBC TV. As part of giving back to the community, she has served on the Board of The National Council Negro Women (NCNW).
She was also the NCNW Youth Conference Chair and personal support and travel representative to Dr. Dorothy Height. She is a Board member and facilitator for Prime Time Sister Circles and President of the Washington DC Chapter of The Society, Inc. She is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., and Co-chair of Public Relations for the 100th AKA Celebration. Zillah was elected Member at Large of the Pell Hellenic Council of the Divine 9 Greek chapters. In her ministry she is a member of Peoples Congregational United Church of Christ. She is the National President of United Black Christians as well as the International President of all the Minority Groups of the United Church of Christ.
Zillah Jackson Wesley